Mosaics and mosaic making information from The joy of shards Mosaics Resource

The Joy of Shards mosaics resource Norwich home (gallery one) Norwich gallery two
Tiles and doorways One & Two Around Norfolk

St Margaret's Church, King's Lynn

St Margaret's Church has extensive Victorian tiling by the firms Godwin and Minton. The most impressive sections are around the font at the west end of the church (below), in the choir (below right) and around the altar (foot of page). The tiles around the font presumably date from its installation in 1874. These are in better condition than the altar tiles, which are apparently suffering from damp. (Marks in the wall by the door of the church record just how often and how deeply the building has been flooded by the River Ouse.)

As was the fashion, the the tiles reflect Gothic Revival themes, influenced by medieval tiles. Follow the links below to pages with pictures of the many and various tile designs.

church font tiles on floor of choir


St Margaret's:


Views of the font tiling

Selection of tiles around font

Selection of tiles around font

Lions and doves tiles around font

The choir and lower altar

Alpha and Omega tiles

Evangelists tiles


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tiles by altar

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the joy of shards Mosaics Resource