Mosaics and mosaic making information from The joy of shards Mosaics Resource

Victorian tiles in St Albans

The Victorians were inspired by the designs found on medieval tiles, which complemented the Gothic revival in architecture. Around 1885, restoration work on St Albans Cathedral included new encaustic floor tiles by Minton and Company and some of these patterns were based on original tiles discovered at the site.


I think these are fascinating - the way patterns emerge from the blocks and different orientations of the tiles. There almost seems to be a love of the geometry for its own sake. The immediate effect is very impressive, but I think that the more you study the complexities of the patterns, the more you appreciate them. In both these ways tilings are a lot like mosaics.

back to list (mosaics in the south of England)

medieval tiles in Winchester Cathedral

a modern mosaic in St Albans

Roman mosaic at Verulamium

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