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You are in: Visits --> London --> Blackfriar Pub

The Blackfriar pub

This pub, near the north end of Blackfriars Bridge, has art nouveau decor dating from 1905. It is an odd wedge shape, which wouldn't look so strange if all the buildings which used to surround it were still in place.

blackfriar pub mosaic

There are mosaics on the outside and inside. Exterior ones show the pub's name, street number (174) and monks, carrying wine as on the left below, or displaying their catch of fish. The interior is just wild, especially the vaulted snug at the back. There is impressive marble paneling, brass plaques showing monastic scenes and a mosaic ceiling (see below). Various panels around the room, perhaps tongue in cheek, remind guests that, for example, "Haste is Slow" and "Wisdom is Rare".

monk mosaic monks with fish mosaic

vault mosaics

vault mosaic detail


"haste is slow"

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